Hayley Robertson
Hayley has qualifications in public health and social policy and is a Director and Partner of O’Connell Advisory. Hayley has over 20 years’ experience in health strategy development, policy development, analysis, technical reviews, advocacy and high level stakeholder engagement and negotiation.
Hayley’s experience includes working for NSW Health in several senior roles including Associate Director, Strategy, Quality and System Performance and Acting Director, Cancer Services and Information in which led cancer performance reporting, providing data insights and communication to executives in local health districts, private hospitals, primary health networks and Aboriginal community-controlled health organisations.
She has experience in commissioning and managing evaluations of health programs and has been responsible for the design and delivery of significant health reform including in primary care, population health, cancer and Aboriginal health. Hayley has experience working with young people; having led the Adolescent and Young People NSW cancer portfolio and leading a number of population health projects supporting youth health and wellness.
As a consultant working with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), Hayley has worked alongside the sector on projects to support improved health and access to high quality, culturally safe and ACCHO led care. This includes work in improving access to and empowering Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to provide cardiometabolic and kidney disease and cancer care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
In cancer services, Hayley has led innovations in cancer control in NSW to support greater equity and access. Hayley has led the implementation of the Aboriginal Cancer Care Coordination project, research into shared care models and virtual cancer service models of care. As Senior Manager, Clinical Quality and Safety Centre for Alcohol and other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health Hayley Supported development of the successful policy proposal resulting in $500 million injection into NSW drug services. She was Lead researcher on the Impact of Stigma in accessing drug and alcohol services research project and the review into clinical governance of local health service alcohol and drug services. Hayley led reform of patient pathways and access models of NSW Alcohol and other Drug services.